Latest Fave Afternoon Snack

      Butse, a name designated to a Filipino delicacy and served in most Chinese restos. Usually, made from glutinous rice dough rolled in a plate of sesame seeds. The round balls are deep-fried in hot oil and best eaten when warm. Very yummy especially when the balls are filled with fresh bean paste.

                          I love this packaging here...these batch is filled with yam paste.
                                                        This one's with peanut butter filling! Yummy!
     In Japanese, these round glutinous balls are more known as mochi. 
      With all solid three weeks in a row. I still have this kind of appetite for a snack and I usually eat them in the afternoon. I'll pair it with a cold glass of water or a hot cup of coffee to perk me up during those afternoons when I wait for my net connection to reboot. 

     Mochi in Japanese and butse in Filipino. I sooo love this snack from Japan! The soft balls are filled with the goodness of peanut butter or yam paste (whichever you want to try first) can really beat the locally made butse from a local Chinese resto!



  1. Hi!

    I'm going to try some later...I miss the mochis ;-(
    In the mean time, I'll be having another famous local snack, the banana cue! Yum!

    Veronica G.

  2. hi veronica,
    they look delicious!
    hope i can get some from the grocer ;-)


  3. hi von,

    yes, they're at the (imported) snack or pastry section.

    veronica g ;-)

  4. hi there!
    Very interesting. Where is this available? I live in Canada and I don't see it here. The way you described it made me wish I have one in my hands right now :)

    1. Hi Preceptible,

      Thank you for your question ;-)

      You can check the Asian or Health Food section in your area. Mochis very popular in the U.S. so I guess they're sold there, too. They're also available (on-line)at The site -
      Packs are sold at $2.25 each. Good luck!

      Veronica G.

  5. Hi IamCuriousPurple,

    Yep, they have japanese style taro mochi! Yum!

    Veronica G.


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