Cakes! Cakes! Cakes!
Just Before the Pandemic #cakes #dulcedeleche These cakes are from Bo's Coffee - a slice of carrot cake (in a bar) and Dulce de Leche! I #love it! The carrot bar is your typical carrot cake with cream cheese topping. Delicious and best paired with a hot cup of tea, coffee or cocoa! Such an #instagood feeling, right? The Dulce de Leche cake, on the other hand, is a cream cheese-filled cake with a spread of custardy-nutty flavored icing on top! You can taste the sweetness of the condensed milk from the brown custard topping. Deliciously perfect with a hot cup of coffee or tea! #mamon #muffin This is just a plain, but yummy mamon (muffin) from a Korean shop. A favorite snack for break time in a late hot afternoon. Best munch with a cold glass of fresh juice or iced tea. #sanrival This cake is from Conti's - a multiple-layered cake! If you love sans rival-types of cakes without the annoying butter, and love chocolate, this cake is for you. You'll instantly love the ...